DFG fördert aktuelle Forschung zu Macht auf Digitalen Plattformen und Plattformregulierung
Im Projekt PlatformPower erforschen wir die Mechanismen und Auswirkungen von Macht in digitalen Plattform-Ökosystemen.
Die Professur veröffentlicht einen Beitrag auf der 18. International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology 2023
Die Professur nimmt an der 18. International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology 2023 teil.
Einladung: Research Talk Metaverse Plattformen von Sofia Schöbel
Am 25. Mai besucht Sofia Schöbel den Lehrstuhl und wird einen Research Talk zu dem Thema Metaverse Platformen halten.
Invitation: Research Talk by Gambrinus Fellow Professor Dr. Jason Thatcher
Gambrinus Fellow Professor Dr. Jason Thatcher will visit the Chair and give a research talk on the topic Digital Resilience on April 24, 2023
Social research project Integreat & Neven Subotic as guest at TU Dortmund University
Social research project Integreat & Neven Subotic were guests at TU Dortmund on the weekend.
Professor Wiesche among the strongest researchers in business administration
Wirtschaftswoche publishes new economist ranking.
Publication of a study examining user-centered requirements of an AR assistant.
The Professorship publishes study exploring user-centered requirements for a cognitive AR assistant for the operation of a maritime logistics center.
Professor Manuel Wiesche wins AIS Impact Award at ICIS 2022.
Manuel Wiesche and colleagues win the Impact Award at ICIS 2022 for their non-profit project "Integreat".
Participation in the ICIS 2022
The Chair of Digital Transformation participated in the International Conference on Information Systems 2022.
The Chair of Digital Transformation at the Open Day 2022
Get to know the Chair of Digital Transformation at the Open Day 2022 and gain insights into the research project "WizARd".
WizARd Workshop - Digital Innovations in Service Processes: Experiences with the Use of Augmented Reality
Our research project "WizARd" and the professional and interest association AFSMI is organizing an AR workshop on 25.08 in the Denkschmiede Hennef.
Participation in the 30th European Conference on Information Systems
The Chair participated in the 30th European Conference on Information Systems