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Department of Business and Economics
Welcome to the professorship

Digitale Transformation

We teach and conduct research in the field of digitization, in particular on new, platform-based business models, agile project management, digital service innovations and the digitization of work.

Teaching            Research Focuses

Latest news


Participation in the European Conference on Information Systems 2024

The professorship participated in the 32nd European Conference on Information Systems.

Lisa Schned and Dr. Lisa Gussek next to a poster of the conference

Publication of a study on multi-platform integration strategies

Together with colleagues, Prof. Wiesche published a study in the Information Systems Journal.

Information Systems Journal

Einladung zum Research Talk von Sophie Berretta und Dr. Greta Ontrup

Der Vortrag am 23. Mai 2024 wird Mensch-KI Teaming zum Thema haben.


Information on the new Information Systems study program

We are set to start in the winter semester 2024/2025!


Call for Papers: ICIS-Track "Digital Technologies and the Future of Work"

The track is offered as part of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2024 in Bangkok.


Publication of a study on how unintended use can inform information system design

The professorship Digital Transformation published a study in the European Journal of Information Systems.


Study on the contagion of employee turnover in software development projects published in JMIS

The professorship Digital Transformation published a study on IT work in the Journal of Management Information Systems.

Cover of the Journal of Management Information Systems

Publication of a study on the careers of freelancers on digital labor platforms in the gig economy

The professorship publishes a study on the careers of freelancers on digital labor platforms in the gig economy.

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Research talk and workshops by Professor Youngjin Yoo

The visit by Professor Youngjin Yoo from Case Western Reserve University (USA) was a roaring success.


Participation in the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2024

The professorship participated in the 57th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences and presented three papers.

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Successful disputation of Lisa Gussek

Our heartfelt congratulations!

Lisa Gussek with first examiner Prof. Dr. Manuel Wiesche (left) and second examiner Prof. Dr. Steffen Strese (right)

Participation in the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2023

The professorship participated in the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2023 and presented two papers.

Manuel Wiesche, Kay Hönemann and Vincent Heimburg in front of a logo of ICIS 2023