General information
We supervise Master's theses in our main research areas. You can approach us with your own topic from the subject areas shown below, also in cooperation with companies, or apply for one of the currently advertised topics. You can apply for Master's theses at any time, we have no fixed deadlines. Please contact us with:
- Curriculum vitae and certificates
- Current overview of grades (with the sum of earned ECTS and average grade)
- Desired starting date for the Master's thesis
- Brief motivation for your research interest
- Methodological experience and preferences
by e-mail to abschlussarbeit.dt.wiwitu-dortmundde, using your university e-mail address. If you have your own topic proposal within our research focus areas, please explain your motivation for this topic. If you find a topic suggested by us interesting, please describe your general motivation and a preference for our subject areas.
The guidelines for theses at the Chair of Digital Transformation provide detailed assistance for interested students.
If you have further questions concerning your application, please write an e-mail to abschlussarbeit.dt.wiwitu-dortmundde.
Topics for Theses

Currently offered topics
Platform Ecosystems
Power and Dependence on Digital Labor Platforms (German)
Generative AI tools like ChatGPT: Opening for Platform Complementors (German)
Digital Work
Impact, Implementation, and Regulation of Agility in Teams and Organizations
Mechanisms and characteristics of digital labor platform ecosystems (German)
A socio-technical perspective on collaboration with AI systems (German)