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Department of Business and Economics

Seminar - Technology-driven Digital Innovations through creative generative AI

Study Area:
Master / Business C: Digitalization & Entrepreneurship
Module: Digitale Transformation III - Digital Innovation
Course: Technology-driven Digital Innovations through creative generative AI
Lecturer: Manuel Wiesche
Scope / Credits: 4 SWS / 7,5 Credits
Type of Course: Seminar
Date and Place: probably 12.10., 19.10., 20.10., Room: P1-05-306
Language: The course language will be decided based on the participating students.
Application: Online application via the faculty system from 03.07.2023
In addition to your online application, please send your CV, grade transcript, and optional a motivation letters to the secretariat (dt.wiwitu-dortmundde), indicating your previous experience with digital transformation topics and empirical research methods.

Seminar description

In this course, students will learn about technology-driven digital innovation and work on a real-world innovation challenge provided by partner companies. Our partners include companies as well as consultancy firms, like KPS which is a consultancy for digital transformation projects.
The students will get to know the design thinking approach and they will be enabled to practice it. Starting with the phases of Needfinding & Synthesis and Ideation and then, operationalising the ideas with a concept of a Prototype that will be Tested afterward in regards to the suitability to solve the identified problem.
The Students will work in teams to target the partner’s challenges in close collaboration with the company partner and they be able to present their ideas and solutions.

Selected literature

  • Wiesche, M., Uebernickel, F., Byler, E., Garcia-Cifuentes, J. P., Kelly, K., Suzuki, S., Vignoli, M., Leifer, L., Lang, M., et al (2018) “Teaching Innovation in Interdisciplinary Environments: Toward a Design Thinking Syllabus,” in Proceedings of the AIS SIGED, San Francisco, CA, USA
  • Brown, Tim (2008) “Design Thinking” in Harvard Business Review