Knowledge networking and collaboration through augmented reality application in production-related services (WizARd)
(Project duration: 01.04.2020 to 31.03.2023)

The use of technologies such as augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) holds great potential for making the German production sector more effective and efficient. For example, AR/VR cannot only save travel costs and working time in global collaborations, but also facilitate exchange between partners. Furthermore, AR/VR can support employees in daily tasks, such as production or maintenance of machines, by the technology providing instructions or documenting work processes. However, due to knowledge and technology barriers, the diffusion of AR/VR in these application domains is still severely limited. This is where the WizARd research project comes in.
Project Goal
The goal of the WizARd research project is to make smart services accessible with the help of AR/VR. The main aim is to facilitate knowledge networking and collaboration in companies by using AR and VR. With the help of the digitization assistant WizARd, companies are supported in their digitization projects and accompanied step by step through the digitization process. The assistant provides information about potential AR/VR use cases and delivers best practice guidance. It also provides companies with the web tools for process modeling and for creating AR/VR applications. In this way, the digitization assistant is intended to enable SMEs to introduce AR/VR in the company.
Work Packages
- Exploration and elicitation of requirements
- Iterative design, development, and piloting in the field
- Evaluation, reflection, and derivation of implications from the field
- Domain Specific Language (DSL) for AR/VR applications in smart services
- Knowledge exchange, transfer, and exploitation of results
- Coordination, continuous validation, and integration of partial results
Involved Partners

Federal Ministry of Education and Research (German: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, abbreviated BMBF): As part of the funding line "Internet-based services for complex products, production processes and plants (Smart Services)" (funding code: 02K18D180)