Call for Papers: ICIS-Track "Digital Technologies and the Future of Work"

Technological developments continue to reshape work design, performance and management at the individual, organizational and societal levels. As organizations increasingly digitalize work, the established structure and norms of office work routines are disappearing. The nature of work is fundamentally changing as employment arrangements are increasingly contingent, mobile and flexible. Exemplars of contemporary work structures include remote and nomadic work, the 4-day workweek, globally distributed project work, crowdsourcing, and on-demand freelance work brokered through dedicated platforms.
The automation and augmentation of work with artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and blockchain are transforming organizations, industries, and labor markets as humans are replaced by, or working with, ever more intelligent algorithms and robots. Workers are concerned that whole classes of jobs and occupations may become obsolete while demand for other occupations grow at an increasing rate. Workers will need to adapt their skill portfolios to remain employable and optimize their careers. At the same time, the meaning of work and employment is shifting as digital natives become a dominant force throughout modern organizations and contribute to redefining the future of work.
The Track is offered by Prof. Dr. Manuel Wiesche, Prof. Michael Dinger, Ph.D. (Baylor University, USA), and Prof. Damien Joseph, Ph.D. (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore) and is supported by a program committee of internationally renowned scientists.
The submission deadline is on May 1, 2024.
Further information and the call for papers can be found here.