Discover pioneering technologies and their application in business!
Digitale Transformation
We teach and conduct research in the field of digitization, in particular on new, platform-based business models, agile project management, digital service innovations and the digitization of work.
Latest news
Information on the new Information Systems study program

Prototype: OMoS – open-source approach to migration without language barriers

PhD-Course on storytelling in academic papers

Publication in MIS Quarterly: Article on platform mechanisms that advance social justice

Double recognition: Prof. Dr. Manuel Wiesche achieves top positions in the current WirtschaftsWoche ranking

Dr. Lisa Gussek receives the TU Dortmund University Dissertation Award

Participation in the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2024

Publication of a study of augmented reality (AR) interaction techniques for the development of AR instructions

Research visit at Case Western Reserve University

Participation in the 4th AIS SIG DITE Paper Development Workshop

Participation in the 19th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik

Schneider Open Day